How to Use Tie Down Sales to Grow Your Business
Has this ever happened to you?
You were up late at night, unable to sleep, and so you turned on the television for a little noise and company. Unable to find your favorite programs, you unknowingly turned to a channel that was playing sponsored content.
These half hour or hour long programs, commonly known as infomercials, frequently start in the same way. They feature a person or persons struggling to complete an everyday task. Click here for more information about this kind of programming.
Sometimes they’re dropping eggs all over the counter. Sometimes they’re trying to flip pancakes with a spatula and instead throwing them out of the pan and making a big mess. Or sometimes they’re trying to drain pasta and pour the pasta and the boiling hot water all over the place.
These mishaps are usually followed by a voice over asking, “Has this ever happened to you?”
Perhaps you scoffed. Of course not, you might have said out loud to the television set. “I know how to drain pasta.”
If this sounds familiar, then you’ve been an unknowing part of the “tie down” sales technique. Unfortunately, in your case it has been implemented ineffectively.
Studies show that, when used correctly, this can be a powerful tool to increase sales and connect with potential buyers.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at the inner workings of this technique to help you further your business goals. You can use this technique when dealing with potential customers or clients as well as when you’re pitching to investors or even higher-ups at your own company.
Interested? Let’s get started.
What is the Tie Down Technique?
That’s a great question.
When you tie something down, you’re affixing it more or less permanently. In this instance, you want to “tie down” a mood or feeling. What does that mean? Well, you want to be able to affix your potential customer with a positive mindset.
Anyone who has done direct sales knows that only a potential customer with an open mind is likely to agree to make a purchase. An experienced salesperson can walk into a room and know whether the customer is ready to be pitched or not.
If the customer is sitting or standing with their arms crossed, that usually means that the person is mentally closed off. They are keeping themselves from really listening and giving the salesperson a fair shot.
So how can you change this attitude or bias? Is it possible? Should you just walk right back out the door if you come across a person like this?
No! You need a technique to help you land the sale even in trying circumstances.
The way to overcome this obstacle is to help put the customer into a positive state of mind. You can do this by creating a series of questions designed to be agreeable. As the customer agrees to more and more of these questions, their role in the interaction has changed. Now they’re not only engaged in the conversation, but they are engaged in a positive way.
Let’s look back at our first example. The commercial asks, “Has this ever happened to you,” because they want to draw in the people who are having difficulty with these everyday tasks. Perhaps their ideal customer is disabled or otherwise limited in their dexterity. Now that they’ve got the person to say, “Yes,” they’re on their way to a sale.
Check the link: for more information.
How Can You Use it?
At this point you may be saying, “How could I use that technique? Won’t it seem phony or forced?”
Well, sure, if you go into it with that attitude. Remember, the best way to make a sale is to be genuine. You’ll be able to shine brighter and go further if you bring your true self to the table.
“But how can I do that,” you might be asking, “if I’m deliberately using a manipulative tactic? Isn’t that wrong?”
If you’re asking yourself those questions, congratulations. You’re already well on your way. Having a strong sense of the ethical nature of sales will be reflected in your overall business. Once customers come to know you and your product, they’ll keep coming back for more because they know you have high standards.
Sure, it might feel strange at first. But let’s keep a couple of things in mind. The first is that this technique is not magic. Using it will not force customers to buy something they do not want or need. Instead, it is a way to show an allegiance or alliance that might influence them towards a purchase.
The second thing to keep in mind is that it must be well done in order to be effective. This won’t be available to everyone; only the select few that are dedicated enough to rehearse and refine their strategy will be able to utilize it correctly.
Show Me!
Let’s take a look at an example.
Let’s say that you’re selling egg timers door to door.
When you knock on the door, you are greeted by a frazzled looking woman. Behind her, you can see a young child running wild.
“Busy day?” You ask the woman.
“You bet,” she says.
Now you’ve completed the first step in the process. You’ve gotten her to agree with you, simply by observing her surroundings and catering your pitch to them. Now she’s a little more pliable than she was when she first opened the door.
“Then I won’t take up much of your time,” you say, because you’ve a savvy salesperson. “I’m just coming through your neighborhood today looking for housewives who need a little structure in their lives. Does that sound like you?”
“Yes, I guess so,” she says. You notice that she’s uncrossed her arms. She looks more casual now. Now you make your move. “Can I come in and show you a few features of this egg time?”
“Why not,” she says, and opens the door.”
You see how those two agreements got you in the door.
Now you see how simple this method can be. Why not give it a try?