13 Feb, 2025

Write For Us Daily Patrika

6 mins read

Welcome to the world of news at Daily Patrika

Proposal for Guest Post Submission at Daily Patrika: Don’t Ignore the Guidelines

It is to inform all news bloggers or writers that we at Daily Patrika will be immensely glad to receive any enlightening or true incident-based news article as our guest post on behalf of our respectable readers.

Daily Patrika being an online newspaper we publish authentic news on multiple topics like politics, travel, health, sports, fashion, entertainment, business, technology, automobiles, relationships etc. around the world. There are also some other categories where we publish tips for our readers on topics like finance, relationship, fashion, cooking etc. In this case, our earnest request that please do not submit any averagely written article. Moreover if you are writing on very simple or any ordinary topic, then remember that our news blog want some high quality writing; especially the information that you are providing should absolutely genuine, and plagiarism free. If you have anything like this on your mind, please try to reach me as soon as possible.

It is our faith that exclusive as well as authentic guest posts on the blog convey a positive impulse to our admirable readers and they manage to lead a better life with full of recent notifications about this world. If you are really interested to post your own guest article in our blog then don’t delay to contact us at: dailypatrikacom@gmail.com & rksainiseo@gmail.com

Protocols for guest posts

·         Before dropping your article to us please read the following guidelines thoroughly: these rules are applicable for all types of guest posts.

·         Anyone including our devoted readers can post on our blog.

·         Our main aim is to publish extraordinary and totally unseen news in our blog.

·         Submission and publication are totally different process. Once you submit your article it may or may not get published. We have our expertise team and they go through every word and every information in your article and check whether all these are authentic or how useful for our readers. Once your article passed all these tests it becomes ready for publishing.

·         We generally take a fortnight to publish your reviewed article.

·         All the news article or any tips should be absolutely true and should offer beneficial effect on our readers.

·         Most essential point to be mentioned that we possess the ultimate right to edit any article before posting in our blog.

·         We mainly provide priority to the uniqueness of an article.

·         We usually prefer simple and easy language in the article so that someone having minimum education can understand effortlessly.

·         In case you are writing article containing any tips or advice then please mention a promotional tone in your article that may reflect our dedication of helping others.

·         We only have the supreme authority to decide whether your article is personal or can be read by others.

·         Generally we prefer a guest post of length between 750-1000 words.

·         If you article is tips-based or travel description then mention of personal experience is most appreciable otherwise there is a little chance of rejection.

·         In order to make your article more readable and catchy you can use short paragraphs, bulleted points or formatting like bold, italic, etc.

·         Placing valid and relevant link to your article is also appreciated. But if any link doesn’t work then we can remove it without informing you.

·         If you provide any type of commercial link to your article you may be charged for that and also we can ask you for advertisement proposal.

·         You can send us post either through e-mail or attached text document. We also accept graphics content if it perfectly goes with your article.

·         You can also provide a short author bio (near about 50 words) at the end of your post. Mention of any commercial website or affiliation is not needed. Over-confidence of any kind should be avoided.

Some important notifications:

·         We through our blog basically encourage hot and recent news headlines and also remarkable tips and advice through this guest post. If your innovative writing or any new advice through your article catches our eyes or if we find it interesting to modify our blog in a better way then we will surely keep in touch with you. But in case if we don’t send mail within a week after receiving your article then please note that we have felt no interest in your article and you may send any other article for the post.

·         Another point; once your article got posted in our blog then from that moment start sharing the URL of the published article in different social media or start promoting through various websites. Failure of this may cause deletion of your link by us.

·         Most importantly, we at Daily Patrika have the absolute right over the entire guest posts once got submitted.

Approval policies for guest posts

If your article gets accepted we will give you notification through mail within 7 days of submission and if it gets rejected, then we will mail you the reason for rejection. Once we approve your article as guest posts, we need one or two weeks to publish it on our blog. We require only two guest posts per week. So depending on the number of guest post on the queue it make take a span of two weeks to present your post on our blog after submission and approval.

We at Daily Patrika always feel happy to be overflowed with guest posts requests and for this we have to be quite choosy about the quality of article to maintain our prestige and standard. Just remember that content which are up-to-date, refreshing and accurate have high positivity towards approval.