Navratri Colours of 2022 | Colours of Navratri for 9 Days
Navratri is a nine-day Hindu festival that celebrates the goddess Durga. Each day of Navratri has a different color associated with it, and many people dress up in traditional clothes of that color. Here are the Navratri colors and their meanings:
Day 1 – Yellow (Shukla Paksha):
The color yellow signifies knowledge and wisdom. It is said that wearing yellow on the first day of Navratri will help you gain knowledge and understanding.
Day 2 – Green (Chaitra Navratri):
The color green represents growth, life, and fertility. Wearing green on the second day of Navratri is said to bring new life and growth into your life.
Day 3 – Grey (Vasant Navratri):
The color grey is a symbol of peace and tranquility. Wearing grey on the third day of Navratri will help you find inner peace and harmony.
Day 4 – Orange (Shardiya Navratri):
The color orange represents creativity and self-expression. Wearing orange on the fourth day of Navratri is said to help you tap into your creative side and express yourself in new ways.
Day 5 – White (Magh Navratri):
The color white signifies purity and innocence. Wearing white on the fifth day of Navratri is said to help you connect with your inner child and find innocence in the world around you.
Day 6 – Red (Paush Navratri):
The color red is a symbol of strength, energy, and power. Wearing red on the sixth day of Navratri is said to help you tap into your inner strength and power.
Day 7 – Blue (Magha Navratri):
The color blue represents truth and honesty. Wearing blue on the seventh day of Navratri is said to help you find truth and honesty in yourself and the world around you.
Day 8 – Purple (Phalguna Navratri):
The color purple signifies spiritual awareness and mystical experiences. Wearing purple on the eighth day of Navratri is said to help you connect with your spirituality and open yourself up to mystical experiences.
Day 9 – Navratri Colors
The color black signifies protection and defense. Wearing black on the ninth day of Navratri is said to help you ward off negative energy and protect yourself from harm.