Orkut Is Back With A New Name , Hello
One of the oldest social media platforms that the people of the 90’s used to operate is Orkut. Google launched Orkut when Facebook, WhatsApp did not exist. Like our Facebook, WhatsApp ‘Orkut‘ is a social networking site, invented by an employee of Google. And the name of that employee was Orkut. So that the site was designated in his name. In the year 2008, Orkut was running with a gust speed. It was mostly operated by Indians and Brazilian. At that time, it was decided that Google Brazil would govern Orkut. Because in Brazil, Orkut had a strong user base.
Let’s Know About Orkut
In 2004 on 14th January, a Turkish software engineer, Orkut Buyukkoken first launched this social media platform. Then he was working as an employee in Google. He was a genius in inventing this type of networking site. Ago when he was working in Affinity Engine. He created this type of site called InCircle. Though it was made to communicate only in the university loop. Later they tend application on Orkut, that Orkut was invented with the code of Incircle. As there were many similarities between them. In 2007, on 25th August launching of some new design of Orkut was announced. From 30th August, the Orkut users could observe the changes in it. Later, the glimpse of the friends’ profile was seen on an individual’s Orkut profile. Then the ability to edit one’s profile was added in the setting button. Gradually, it was available in various languages like Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, etc. After that, the greeting features from Orkut were undertaken. Photo uploading, photo tagging several features were gradually introduced.
Why Orkut Was Closed?
In the year 2014, in June suddenly it was announced that Orkut would be going to band in September 2014. From July no new profiles would be permitted to create. The users were told to remove their photos or other information. After several queries the prominent engineering director of Google, Mr. Paulo Golgher expressed that as the new social media platforms Facebook, WhatsApp was scattered at a cyclone speed. So that it was the time to bid goodbye to Orkut. The newly launched social media sites surpassed Orkut.
Now you may have a question ‘does Orkut still exist?’ Yes, the site still exists. After clicking it a welcome note will be received from the rename of it, “Hello”. The note is something like that – Hello is the newest version of Orkut. Orkut is the first and foremost social media site that had gained so much love rather than like. And now ‘Hello’ is controlled not by Google, but by the Hello network.
Does Orkut Come Back in India?
The inventor of Orkut was inaugurated last year in India a beta version of Hello. About 50 thousand installations of this app have been seen. As per Google Play Store, it’s noticed that it is accessible in Android 4.4 and above version. So in new hope, he has said to introduce the new version Orkut in India within two months with the same features as Facebook.
So it’s favorable news for Orkut lovers.