Top 11 Ways You Are Secretly Destroying Your Liver
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Top 11 Ways You Are Secretly Destroying Your Liver

Do you know the liver is the largest part of the body and the most important organ? The liver performs a maximum of 500 vital functions that include blood cleansing, flushing out toxins, transforming nutrients into energy, and restoring vitamins and minerals. Here in this blog, we are going to share how you are destroying your liver. Let’s have a look and share this information with your loved ones to let them know how much they are doing wrong to their bodies.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol has damaging effects on the body, and when it comes to the liver, you need to know it would affect your health. Excessive alcohol consumption causes severe damage because it varies from patient to patient. Alcohol causes inflammation and can affect the development of scar tissue to reduce liver disease. Healthy people can have alcohol in moderation, but alcohol addiction would cause so many liver diseases. Avoid its consumption for an overall healthy body.


Make sure you people drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily because dehydration triggers so many health issues, including liver disease. Everyone needs to know the dehydration effect and how it affects the ability of the liver to detoxify the body. When the liver gets dehydrated the risk of illness increases, and it’s imperative to keep yourself hydrated with detox water or plain water. If you people don’t like the taste of plain water, then use detox instead of that.

Smoking Cigarettes

Every year the majority of people get caught in liver disease because of smoking cigarettes. We all know smoking is harmful, but if you people are addicted to smoking, you can try out the vape juices because it will fulfil your craving and won’t harm your health. Go for nicotine-free juices because these types of juices are less harmful than nicotine-based. 

Get the highest quality of vape juices to reduce the cravings. There are a huge variety of flavors available such as Astaire E Liquid, Heisenberg E liquid, Fruit menthol and cool grape E liquid. Although nicotine-based smoking would increase the oxidative stress in the system. It would eventually reach the liver not only causing liver cell damage but affect the whole body. It would cause hazardous effects.


People overweight should know that whatever junk they eat would accumulate around the liver and cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Being overweight increases liver damage; similarly, alcohol does this to you, so you need to leave junk food, whereas you have left the alcohol consumption. Pay close attention to a healthy diet and exercise to keep your liver healthy and balanced.

Consumption Of Sugar In Diet

We all need to know how sugar consumption affects our health and causes a potential risk to the liver. High fructose corn syrup would affect the body metabolism, and only liver cells would handle the fructose. People who consume fructose over time need to know the liver would face irreparable damage. Make sure you have limited the foods with refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup widely available in soda, baked goods and other sweets.

Eating High Meals Before Bed

Liver functions would be affected by heavy foods and create complex problems for the organ. Make sure you are avoiding junk foods before bed and meals with margarine and canola oil. Take a healthy snack. You can have fresh raw carrots and beets in the evening. Both are effective for powerful liver cleansing. Don’t put your liver in trouble. Keep an eye on all the symptoms that you may think affecting the liver.

Taking Unusual Medications

We don’t want you to indulge in various supplements because it would damage the life and quality of food supplements. The metabolic process would break down everything that damages the liver. Stay away from herbal supplements because they may not be helpful, you are thinking. Do share your health history with your doctor because they would suggest the right things but avoid medications because some medications give harmful side effects to the body.

Overly Stressed

People under prolonged stress would have so many unhealthy varieties of reasons for liver, and psychological distress would cause death and trigger so many liver diseases. Our majority of organs are connected to emotions, and we people don’t even understand, so take some time for the physical activity to spend time with yourself, friends and family members. Hang out with them and share your feelings because it would reduce the stress and bring you back to life.

No Exercise

Have you ever taken out some time for exercise? We know the liver detoxifies the body and spends 150 minutes per week in any physical activity. Whatever your routine is, make sure you are going for a regular walk and exercise because it increases the detoxification and it would help the liver to work correctly. You can also go for a brisk walk because it would increase your metabolism. 

Avoiding Liver Function Tests 

Apart from everything, you need to go for regular checkups to see whether the liver is functioning properly. A simple liver blood test is required for physical examination. If you are in excessive alcohol drinking, you need to take help from rehab centers because they would see how to overcome the addiction. Don’t hurt your liver. By trying out several other things, go to your doctor. They would suggest the right things.

Adding Trans Fats

People with high cholesterol shouldn’t include the danger of Trans fats in their diet because it raises the bad cholesterol level and lowers the good cholesterol amount. Avoid taking packaged foods such as fried chips and microwave popcorn. If you can invest, take deep fryers because it consumes less oil and keeps you away from potential diseases. 

These are the ways which are affecting our liver health. Get the help of doctors, and don’t waste your time on other home remedies. An essential test is required for the liver examination. Go for that and live a healthy life.

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