CAB Full Form: What Is The Full Form Of CAB?
There are lots of full form of the word ‘CAB’. In this article, we are going to inform you first the full form of CAB.
C= Citizenship
A= Amendment
B= Bill
Are you informed about the meaning of CAB?
In the above mentioned paragraph, you have already known that CAB stands for Citizenship Amendment Bill. Citizen means the residents of a country. So one can guess the meaning from the name itself. Actually, it is a legal bill of that residents of the particular country. It is introduced in 2019. It is related to the person who have escaped from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan to protect themselves from the uncertainty of religious.
When the CAB was introduced?
On 11th December, 2019 CAB bill was approved in the Parliament of India. It got 125 votes to its side. And it also lost 105 votes against it. The bill received the authorization of the President, Ram Nath Kovind on 12th December. Though it is now named as CAA. The Home Minister, Amit Shah first submitted this bill in front of the Parliament. It was executed to exclusion of approx. 2 million. It mostly exploited the both leading religion Hindu and Muslims.
Are CAB and CAA same?
The full form of the CAB, Citizenship Amendment Bill is approved by the Parliament of India. After that it becomes the CAA. That means Citizenship Amendment Act which is a full-fledged law. So both are the same.
What exactly this Law wants to say?
We know that, India is the meeting place of various religion. Hindu, Muslims, Christian every religion exist in our beautiful country India. But the full of the CAB or Citizenship Amendment Act first points out the root of the six religion communities in India. The six communities are Hindus, Christian, Sikhs, Parsis, Buddhist and Jain. The Act throws focus on those people who entered in India before 31st December, 2014 from the Muslims governed neighborhood Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. But this issue made an extensive turmoil when our Home Minister, Amit Shah first announced this Citizenship Amendment Act publically.
Why did violence create after announcing this Act?
First of all, after hearing this Act the Muslims community became wilder more. As they thought that it was fully formulated by the Hindus law to remove Muslims from India. They also believed that they have not got the same privileges for the discrepancy of the religion. As most of them have no adequate documents, so they became afraid. But central government has refused to accept the allegations. According to our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi the full form of CAB, Citizenship Amendment Bill has inaugurated to procure the exact documentation of residing in India. It has not been applied to clasp their documents. But the fire of protest was spread wildly. Administration had obliged to imprison more than 2000 people. Mostly 5000 people were confined at the moment of protesting. Many security person and common folk were injured badly.