Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy
A pregnant woman must know about yoga during pregnancy as it helps keep you healthy and fit and gives a perfect look during your pregnancy; today, we are going to discuss such things during pregnancy in our article. First, we will tell you about some yoga asanas. By doing this, pregnant women will not have any problems during pregnancy. Research has found that women who do yoga during their pregnancy do not face any physical problems of any kind during their entire pregnancy and even after delivery. So, let us try to know the yoga poses during pregnancy through this article and also know their benefits.
Yoga poses for back pain during pregnancy
Ankle-to-Knee Pose
Sit on the floor with your feet flat on the ground, knees bent, and shoulders relaxed. Slide your flexed right foot under your left knee, according your right knee to rest on the ground (like half of a regular cross-legged position).
Stack the left shin on top of the right so that the left foot is on the right knee and the left knee is on the right foot. Place your palms on your knees and feet, or bring them together in prayer.
Seated Side Bend Pose
Begin in an upright sitting position with your legs crossed or folded in a half-lotus position. Release your right hand to rest on the floor pleasantly.
Pull your left arm continuous up, and then turn to the right direction, focusing on twisting your upper body and having your eyes open as you look up at your left hand. Lower onto your right forearm for support as you lean to the side.
Standing Forward Bend Pose
Withstanding with your feet wider than hip-width apart, knees lightly bent, and hips level is an excellent way to start. Then, allowing the head to sink toward the mat while keeping the legs free, bend forward at the waist.
Holding your elbows with opposing hands can assist in lengthening your spine. Don’t be concerned about pushing yourself to the floor. Instead, switch your arms have, so the opposite arm crosses on top after several deep breathing.
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Wide-Knee Child’s Pose
Kneel on the floor with your buttocks on your heels, your tops of feet against the floor, your big toes touching, and your knees wider than hip-width.
Enable your body to develop between your knees as you slowly bring your chest to the yoga mat. If it’s more convenient, extend arms overhead, touching the forehead to carpet, or lay arms beside the body with palms facing up.
Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose
Relax with your legs lengthened out in front of you. Take your knees out away, like a straddle, but don’t press your legs any further than they can go.
Bend your chest approaching the floor and rest your forearms on the floor in front of you with a flat back to feel the stretch in your hips.
Final word
These are the best yoga poses that will help you get rid of stress, high blood pressure, etc. It will be beneficial for you to start early; if you like our blog, please share it with your friends.