Causes Of A House Fire
5 mins read

Causes Of A House Fire

The major causes of a house fire are very well known, however, fires may be caused unexpectedly and abruptly. Fires can spread very quickly, making an already grievous situation more dangerous. Having your home set ablaze can be a devastating experience. Not only do we lose thousands of dollars that we invested in our home but we also lose mental peace because of the trauma associated with such an event. They can even lead to the loss of a loved one, which can cause long-standing trauma. At home, we should be really careful when working with an open flame as it may cause a fire hazard quickly if measures are not taken. It is best to install smoke detectors like the First Alert Smoke Detectors to prevent any such incidents from happening.

This article is however about the causes of house fire. You can also opt for damage inspection after a fire has occurred at your place to make repairs to the damaged property. It is always important to remember that preventing a hazard is better than letting it happen and fix the damages later. It is important that your house is safe from fire and you are taking adequate measures at home to prevent them from happening. Injuries that happen due to a fire accident may be extremely dangerous such as third-degree burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and smoke inhalation. Your life and the life of your loved ones may be at stake in such a situation. Here are some causes of house fires, their damaging effects, and ways to prevent them.


Fires during cooking are one of the most popular causes of fire emergencies in the US. A few studies show that 48% of the fires caused are due to residential reasons. According to the national fire protection association, fires that start during cooking are one of the major causes of home fire injuries and the second most common reason for home fire deaths. The most common reason seen generally for kitchen fires is that they are usually ignited because of grease. Make sure while frying and deep frying your snacks that the oil does not reach a temperature of more than 375 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, it smokes and then eventually burst into flames. You need to act immediately if you see thick smoke otherwise it may lead to a hazard.

If you accidentally set grease on fire in your kitchen, stay calm and be active. Remove the source of heat and use a metallic lid to cover the oil that has caught fire. Always keep baking soda in your kitchen to generously pour it over the fire. When the situation does not seem as worse as it was initially, grab your fire extinguisher and put out the rest of the fire. Call 911 and evacuate the premises. Do not try to move the burning pot away from the site, and never use water to put out the fire.


The second popular reason for house fires are portable heaters. Most of us live in a very low-temperature climate. Heaters are an essential part of our lives. However, very often we do not know the requirements for using a heater in a room. The biggest requirement is that your room should be spacious enough. Always read the instruction manual that comes with the heater.  It usually contains all the information regarding the precautions to take the placement of the heater and the things that are in close proximity of the heater. It is important to note that piles of clothes are not left near a burning heater, curtains are well tucked before turning the heater on, and any flammable chemical is removed from the room. In case a wall catches fire, leave the room immediately.

Electric fires

Household fires are also caused by electrical damage in the home. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, malfunctioning electric outlets and faulty wiring is a major cause of 51,000 house fires and more than 500 deaths per year. You should always get your home inspected before moving into it and ensure electrical wiring inspection is part of your regular maintenance every few months. Fire alarms should also be checked and it should be ensured that the batteries are working, if not, they must be replaced. Your local fire station may also inspect your alarms for free. Most of the fire stations do that for your safety.


Smoking is a pastime for many. Many people in your home may smoke cigars, cigarettes, or pipes. These are some of the major reasons for a house fire. Many individuals also tend to fall asleep while smoking as it is a relaxing activity for many. In this case, the cigarette may drop down on a carpet and the room may catch fire instantly. Smoking should always be outside the house to avoid a fire hazard. It has been seen that many fires occur in the living room, sitting room, or the den, which is a common place for smokers to be while smoking.

Final thoughts

A fire hazard can be a devastating experience. It may cause PTSD for you and your family. It may also cause financial losses. It is best that you take care of your home by preventing fires. Preventing a fire is not as tedious as it sounds if you take care of a few simple tips in your home.

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