Shashank Mani: An Author, economic thinker, “Yatri” at heart, and a man on a mission, Shashank Mani straddles several worlds and experiences. He is the founder of Jagriti Yatra and Jagriti Enterprise Center – Purvanchal (JECP) and also a Partner with a well-known consulting firm, where he is the Government Strategy & Transformation leader and Aerospace & Defense Leader.
Plot No 10, 2nd Floor, Jain Nagar, Near Galaxy Mall,
Ambala, Haryana 134003 India
We are a local news & media agency which works in collaboration with the national news agencies. We are running a website which provides day-to-day news on developments and current events. We are dedicated to the ideals of objectivity, fairness, and transparency. We are inspired by the work of google news and would greatly appreciate being given the opportunity to get registered with News in order to enhance our range and to reach out to a nation-wide audience.