Google For Education- Restructuring Education Worldwide
With proper education, a child can shape his/her future, according to his/her dream. The right to education is the birthright of every child. A child should never be kept away from this birthright. It helps to shape a person into a proper human being. Without proper education, a person can lack others. The struggle in this world is very real which could not be avoided, but with proper knowledge and education, a person’s struggle can decrease.
Proper education is the key to a bright future. If a person is getting a chance to go to a school, he/she should be considered lucky because millions of children across the world are struggling to get two ends meet, for them going to the school and getting a proper education is a dream. Thousands of students drop out of school every year due to the lack of funds. In India, education may seem like a luxury to many, but in reality, education is the necessity that is needed by everyone.
Almost half of India’s Children between 6years – 14 years do not go to school. For a country with such a massive population, this is depressing. The rest of the children are lucky enough to receive the light of education. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, the whole world is affected. Thousands of people have lost their lives worldwide. The biggest lockdowns in the history of mankind are imposed. For the safety of people, the Indian government has closed all the schools, universities, private sector offices, transport systems, etc. Slowly the lockdowns are removed, which only allows the necessary sectors to re-open themselves. In this situation parents can never let their children go out during a pandemic, risking their lives to study.
The technology giant, Google is providing a service Google for Education which provides independent and customized versions of several Google Applications under a domain name. These apps are not only free but also provide the same storage as the Works account versions.
What can be the most convenient method to let the students continue their academics without risking their lives? The answer is pretty simple. Online education is now the most convenient way for students to pursue their academics. Google is providing its service in India for over a decade now. It has invested enormous amounts to push the digital platforms in India.
Google For Education in India
Various Google apps now have become classrooms for students. Google’s gigantic investments have launched several apps that have now become an important part of the education system in India. The most common of them are:
- Google Meet
- Google classroom
- Google docs
- Google cloud
- Gmail
- Google Calendar
- Google apps for education enterprise
These apps help the students to continue their academics without even stepping out of the boundaries of their homes. Students get the opportunity to know about the digital world. As a result, they would be able to know about the technological know-how of using Google Meet, Docs, Cloud, and so on.
Google Meet for Education in India
As we can see for ourselves, most of the schools and colleges in India are having Meet online classes. Teachers can interact with students directly. The students can converse with the teacher, which completes this process of communication. Previously it was known as Hangout now Google meets, it is fully integrated with the G suite application. Some advantages of this app are:
- It provides a high-quality video conference without any glitches or interruptions.
- It is absolutely free.
- The meat is available in almost every device.
- It is very easy to use. People can easily join the meetings through the links.
What are the Google Tools which are required for educational purposes?
Google does have a set of tools that could inspire the students. There are six major creative google tools for education used in Chromebooks. They can be easily bought. They are:
- Infinite Painter’ Artwork- The user can easily sketch and blend paintings, fine illustrations, or even comic book pages with this amazing tool.
- Notes and diagrams by using Squids- One can easily handwritten and mark worksheets or class notes with the help of Squid.
- Book Creator’s Book- A person who is interested in creative writing should totally try out this tool. One can easily write and publish stories, poetry, portfolio, and even science reports with Book Creator.
- Amazing Videos with We Video- View and edit different videos with ease with this tool.
- Soundtracks unique and podcast- Music lovers will fall in love with this tool as he/she can edit and record soundtracks, music, and audio clips.
- Explain Everything’s Screencast- The user can create amazing videos, tutorials, and even presentations with this tool.
With the progress in digital fields, learners need digital literacy skills for a bright and better tomorrow. Video-based tutorial plans are provided by Applied Digital skills which helps the learner to solve everyday digital tasks. The curriculums also include digital activities like event planning, budgeting, creating different guides, and many more.
Google cloud empowers students, researchers, administrators, and faculty to reach their dreams. The Google Cloud education provides free training and resources to students. Whole new opportunities await for the future generation. They support students’ careers and provide guidelines in various fields in Science, Commerce, Humanities, and others. Some of its features are:
- They train to build skills that would be needed in career options.
- They do not jump into conclusions. Learners get to know everything from the very basics.
- With expert guidance, a learner can expertise in his/her field of study or research which would earn potential credentials.
GOOGLE SUITE – Redefining education
With various free and totally secured tools available, we can not only transform the way our schools or Colleges work but also manage everything quite easily. These are the followings the students can try free of any cost:
Features of GOOGLE SUITE:
- Collaborating: This can be done anywhere and anytime. Documents, spreadsheets, worksheets, and other important files can be viewed, edited, and presented at time with the help of Google Docs, Google Drive, and others.
- Communication: Communication is one of the most important aspects which help a person learn. Students can connect with their classrooms, teachers, and other guides via emailing, video chatting, and Texting. This can be done through Gmail, Meet, and others.
- Managing: This cannot be neglected. Teachers can create classes, quizzes, and provide assignments that involve the students’ skills and help the teacher to grade the students. These can be done with the help of Google Classroom.
- Organizing: All the tasks should be organized properly. To do this the users can set reminders, build to-do lists, and create a proper schedule.
G-site tools are mostly free of cost because Google encourages learning and education.
WHY choose Google Drive for Education?
With the help of google drive, students can store an enormous amount of data in the forms of docs, spreadsheets, excel files, etc. Data loss prevention keeps the files fully secured in the drive. The files can be easily accessed anytime. They can be easily viewed, shared, and managed without any fear.
Why choose Google Docs for Education?
Students can create and edit documents easily on Google Docs. Multiple people can work on a single document and every detail is saved automatically. This removes confusion and also eliminates the risk of losing important documents.
All the docs are automatically saved in Google Drive. It is easy to use. By using the undo and redo options makes the work easier. By using other tools the documents can be made more presentable and attractive.
With the expansion of the internet world, google docs, drive, and whatnot have become the need of each and every student. Employees share valuable information through drives, cloud, and many more.
The features are incredibly amazing. These features can effectively run on a smartphone. Therefore, one need not worry about buying a laptop or PC.