The Inauguration Of The New Parliament Building Will Be On 28 May
According to Vedas, various rituals will be performed at the inauguration of the new parliament. It will be built by PM Narendra Modi on 28 May.
This inauguration of the new parliament will start around 12 pm. The preparations for this event will start in the early morning of 28 May.
Everyone who is engaged in the preparations for the inauguration should maintain silence about every detail, including the schedule.
When the inauguration takes place
The inauguration of the new parliament will take place on 28 May. It is an elaborate ceremony that includes pujas performed by Vedas in the early morning, around 7:30 am.
These Vedic rituals and pujas will go on till 9 am, after which this inauguration will start around 12 pm noon. To do pujas in the morning, PM Narendra Modi, speaker of Lok sabha Om Birla, and Hariwansh deputy chairman are present there, as said by sources.
Some special priests also come from different parts of the world and perform pujas there.
When the functions start
According to sources, it is expected that all invitees, including the Lok Sabha speaker, parliament members, and other guests, take their seats in the Lok Sabha chamber around 11:30 am.
This function is expected to start around 12 pm and end by 1:30 pm. In function, the secret single will install in the central parliament hall, which is an important Lok sabha chamber.
Speech by Lok Sabha speaker
In this inauguration function of the new parliament, the lok sabha speaker, Om Birla, delivered his speech, and PM Narendra Modi delivered his closing speech. The invitations for the inauguration of the new parliament are distributed in both ways, physically or online.
PM Narendra Modi and Om Birla, who dedicated the new parliament to the country built on 28 May, are also expected to give a speech after the inauguration ends.
Who is invited to attend the inauguration?
As per the sources, the sitting members of parliament send the invitations to Lok Sabha members and the rajya sabha chairman. All chief ministers are also invited to attend this ceremony.
The secretaries of all ministries of the country also get invitations to attend this inauguration ceremony. The chief architect of the newly built parliament, Bimal Patel and rattan tata, are also invited to this inauguration.
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar and Draupadi Murmur are expected to release congratulatory messages on the inauguration day. The inauguration invitation is also sent to famous personalities like sports and film stars.
The building of new parliament symbolizes
building a new parliament symbolizes the self-reliant Indian spirit and dedication to the nation on 28 May.
- It was done by PM Narendra Modi, the current building of parliament was already completed in 1927, and that is 100 years old now.
- According to new requirements, there is a lack of space determined. It causes a lack of convenient arrangements for the seating of members, and it also affects the efficiency of the work of members.
- Considering this problem, both rajya sabha and lok sabha passed a resolution to the government and urged them to construct a new parliament building.
- On 10 December 2020, the foundation stone of the parliament building was laid by PM Narendra Modi. It is built in record time with quality work and construction.
Features of the new Parliament building
The new parliament building is rich in constitutional values and demographic traditions. It is equipped with modern class facilities and helps the members to perform functions in an efficient way.
It provides convenient arrangements set up for members. The best thing is that the new parliament building has the space to provide seating to 888 members of Lok Sabha.
This space meets the future seating arrangements needs. In fact, the new parliament building also allows the joint session of both lok sabha and rajya sabha to be held efficiently in the lok sabha chamber.
According to sources, when the seating and space problems were faced by members, they urged PM Narendra Modi for a new parliament building. Now, the inauguration of this new parliament building will be held on 28 May, in which many popular personalities, lok sabha members, chief ministers, etc., are coming.