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7 Health Benefits of Spinach

Have you ever wondered why Popeye never used bananas, or watermelon, or broccoli…he always used spinach in his worse and best moments. Here are the 7 health benefits of spinach, but first, let’s check the nutrition facts:

Spinach is always recommended for hair, skin and bone health because of its nutrients. In only 30 g of spinach there can be found: 7 calories, 0.1 g fat, 0.7 g dietary fiber, 0.1 g sugar, and almost 1 g of protein. Being rich in vitamins, almost 56% of them go to Vitamin A, then, Vitamin C 14 %, and Vitamin B-6 5%. From the minerals spectrum, 3 % goes to Calcium, 4 % to Iron, 6 % to Magnesium. As one of the richest vegetables in Potassium, in 30 g of spinach there can be found 167 mg Potassium, and 24 mg Sodium.

Knowing those nutrition facts, here is why spinach is one of the healthiest foods in the world:

  1. For those fighting diabetes, the alpha- lipoic acid contained in the spinach is very important. This antioxidant has proven positive reaction to oxidative stress- induced changes in the human body especially in patients with diabetes. On the other hand, the alpha- lipoic acid is proven in keeping the glucose levels low, providing increased insulin sensitivity and decreased autonomic neuropathy or peripheral neuropathy.
  1. When grilling foods on high temperature, they generate heterocyclic amines with cancerogenic properties. Spinach, as one of those green super foods that contain chlorophyll, is highly effective at blocking these effects. So, there is no mistake if we classify spinach as one of the super cancer fighting foods.
  1. New researches show that people that consume foods high in beta- carotene are with low risk of asthma attacks. Like carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, apricots and cantaloupe, spinach can also be a good source for asthma prevention.
  1. Rich in Potassium and poor in Sodium, spinach is a great protector for your cardiovascular health. The balance of these two elements is very important for maintaining a healthy blood pressure level. For instance, Potassium is important for negating the effects of Sodium. So, a high Sodium intake may be just as big of a risk factor as a low Potassium intake. The right way for you to be sure that you are on a right path in your healthy diet, you need to accelerate the dosage of Potassium- That is how you will provide a normal blood pressure level, important for maintaining a good cardiovascular health. Protect your heart from hypertension and keep your arteries as young as possible. For, you are as young as your blood vessels are.
  1. The combination of Vitamins and Minerals in the spinach can improve your bone health. Bone fractures are always connected to low intakes in Vitamin K and the inability of the body to absorb Calcium. So, implementing spinach in your healthy diet will make your bones and teeth more powerful than ever. Make sure you never lack Magnesium or Calcium especially when on a high- density training.
  1. Because of the high fiber levels, spinach is a great cure for constipation. It is also rich in water, so keep your spinach meals regular to keep your bowel movement regular. Don’t get upset of the greenish color of the stool, sometimes green stool means your digestive tract works properly, especially after a good spinach meal.
  1. Spinach can help you in maintaining a healthy hair and skin. Because of the rich Vitamin A and C levels, spinach can advance the sebum production which is most important for skin moisturizing. This vitamin combination is ideal for building collagen that provides hair and skin structure. And if you want to avoid hair loss, eat high Iron foods, like spinach!

For more healthy food information visit HealthyFood365. There you may find the solution you were looking for about foods and healthy benefits.

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