Injury Rehabilitation in South Florida is What You Need
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Injury Rehabilitation in South Florida is What You Need

You must be very frustrated if you got injured and are trying to overcome it. Like you, there are hundreds of people in South Florida that are in the same situation. The bright side of it is that you can attend rehabilitation, and start over again without thinking that your  damages will prevent you from having a normal life. Here we are going to help you by providing information about injury rehabilitation in South Florida.

Let’s say that one day you were riding your bike on the street, and you had an accident that left you with a broken arm. If you have had a fracture in this body part, you would know the type of pain this can cause. However, that is not the main problem. Falls can lead to the loss of movement or other consequences like limping, with the possibility of it getting worse if you do not attend rehabilitation sessions.


Types of injuries

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, millions of senior citizens over 65 tend to fall. People at this age tend to lose calcium in their bones making fractures and injuries more likely. Over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized due to a fall injury, the most common cases are head injury or hip fracture.

Unfortunately, you can also become injured while practicing sports. Here in South Florida, we see people playing baseball, basketball, football, etc. Although these sports are very healthy to practice, they can cause dangerous risks as well.

Now that you have become better educated on causes and consequences of injuries, let’s get to know more about how to overcome injuries. The best way of doing it is Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is defined as the treatment of injuries and/or diseases by physical methods and not by drugs or surgery. As mentioned before, injuries can prevent you from utilizing your body and sustain pain. The purpose of this science is to help you overcome these obstacles and continue with your life. Here are some of the treatments for injury rehabilitation:


  • Sprained ankle and/or broken leg: You can begin healing by walking or bearing some weight, while using crutches if needed, if you can do so without too much pain. Also, try range-of-motion exercises in the first 72 hours after your injury. This will help you with pain and prevent the loss movement. Further studies include stretching and balance exercise. Start exercises to stretch your Achilles tendon, as soon as you can do so without pain. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles on the back of the lower leg to the bone at the base of the heel. Try the towel stretch if you need to sit down, or try the calf stretch if you can stand.


  • Broken arm or wrist: After the cast is removed, you might have lost strength in your arm. One of the exercises you will be told to try is strength training. This practice is designed to help restore muscular strength to your arm. These exercises include bending and straightening your arm under resistance, as well as internal and external rotation to help restore strength to your shoulder joint. Another convenient practice that helps rehabilitating arm and wrist fractures is sports specific therapy: If you are an athlete, your doctor may prescribe physical therapy. These exercises can include throwing motions, exercises designed to help restore your hand-eye coordination, and lifting exercises.


  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL): This ismore common for athletes like soccer and football players. Your doctor will suggest performing a range of motion exercises,such as: Sitting towel calf stretches and quad sets. Both exercises force you to place a towel behind your knee and then proceed to bend it. Try also stretching exercises and ankle pumps.


We are aware that performing these injury rehabilitation techniques are not simple and are more complicated if you have been utilizing a cast for a long time. However, Physiotherapy  results are accurate, and will help you overcome injuries and help you continue on with your life. So make the right choice, and call a physiotherapist who will help your injury rehabilitation South Florida.


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