Sleeping With Ear Plugs: Safe or Not?
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Sleeping With Ear Plugs: Safe or Not?

Everyone wants a plush bed, ideal temperature of the room, comfortable light –or lack thereof –and silence when they head to bed for a deep and peaceful sleep. But you do not always get what you wish for.

People with horrible and loud neighbors, bedroom that faces a noisy alley or those living in communal spaces like dorm rooms can seldom enjoy the luxury of a quiet sleep. They then have to struggle with sleep peacefully.

The solution, ear plugs!

Ear plugs present with the easy, quick and very convenient solution to all the noise in your life. These block the sounds, which helps your brain in shutting off and body falling into peaceful slumber.

They are also found in a variety of style and design options so you can pick the style that fits your ear well. Another thing to consider is the noise reduction rate, which varies across different earplugs. Presence of so many options allow you to choose from which best suits your needs and budget.

However, many people have qualms about resorting to ear plugs. Much like everything, ear plugs also come with their pros and cons, but for the sake of your mental peace, you can also ask the Best ENT specialist in Lahore before opting for ear plugs.

To help you make the decision, we have also rounded the benefits and risks of ear plugs.

Benefits of ear plugs

In order to fully appreciate the role of noise-cancelling earplugs, it is important first to realize the impact on noise on sleep.

Noise and sleep

Our body has an inner clock that helps it distinguish between daytime and nighttime. The response to different stimuli like noise and light is also then contingent on this internal clock. During night, body gets more sensitive to noise, as opposed to daytime. This is notch 1 against sleep.

Secondly, sleep stages are progressive; from lighter stage 1 and 2, our body gradually tapers into land of deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement). Noise, on the other hand, prevents body from entering into this blissful third stage. This disturbance of these natural sleep stages is obviously not good for you.

Moreover, noise at night also leads to the excess production of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Heart starts beating fasting and the blood pressure soars, as the body perceives itself to be in danger.

The cumulative impact of all these factor results in fragmented sleep and an overall poor sleep quality as well. Sleeplessness is a dangerous condition and missing out on even one day’s sleep carries implications for your health.

In short term, noise-induced sleep deprivation results in grogginess, excess daytime sleepiness, irritable disposition and reduced productivity. This naturally has a negative effect on your performance; whether it be studies or your work, both suffer.

Moreover, people find it harder to concentrate and pay attention when they are sleep deprived. They also have a greater probability of suffering from accidents.

In the long term, sleep deprivation leads to chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hypertension, stoke and even certain types of cancers. People also have reduced immunity, making them susceptible to problems like infections.

Therefore, one can never discount on the importance of quality sleep.

Earplugs and sleep

Earplugs thus present as an easy solution to this problem. Logistics may not allow you to switch your bed elsewhere and neither is it possible to switch house mates, especially when they are your family, hence, with earplugs, you do not have to compromise your sleep.


Soundproofing is rather expensive. One not only has to switch to glazed windows, but also pad the entire room. Even then, the noise is reduced, and not cancelled. Earplugs are thus much cheaper and thus more convenient.

Risks of ear plugs?

Wax buildup

As the plug push into the ear, they also cause the wax to push deeper into the ear. Thus, wax can buildup in the ear. Alongside causing discomfort, it also leads to temporary hearing loss and tinnitus.

Good news it, you can get the wax cleared using softening drops. A doctor can also have the wax sucked out of the ear.


Earplugs can also cause the ear to get infected. It tends to happen due to the buildup of the wax and the bacteria present on the earplugs. Ear infections are not just painful but can also result in hearing loss if not treated properly and timely. Hence, it is imperative to enlist the help of the Best ENT specialist in Karachi in case of an ear infection.

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