Taxes are the lifeblood of any country. The moment you step out of your house, every road you see or government amenity you use is essentially your tax money at work. While the money you pay as tax comes back as some facility or service, you would rather have that amount in your bank account. That would give you financial stability and ease your worries about security. However, if you earn enough money in a year, paying taxes is mandatory and evading them is punishable by law.
Although there is a way that you can use to save money on taxes without having to evade them. There are certain financial purchases or investments that offer you a deduction on your taxes. These deductions are completely legal and offered by the government. For example, buying health insurance can offer you a tax deduction. However, the point of saving taxes to end up with more money with yourself.
For this reason, you must look at investment options that also double up as tax saving options. However, there are a lot of factors that go into saving taxes. Hence you should be smart about saving taxes. Here are a few things you should know:
Stay far away from the deadline
Every company that you work at will have a procedure of collecting proof of investments. This is done for procedures regarding Income tax. Since you are looking to save tax, you should be able to provide proof of whatever investment options you wish to use. Companies have a deadline set by when the employee can make these investments and submit proof. However, that does not mean you have to make investments right at the end of the deadline. It is always better to avoid that last-minute rush and the mistakes that follow it.
Leave your salary out of tax
Many companies deduct money out of your salary to cover the tax that you are liable to pay. This usually happens towards the end of the fiscal year. Hence, making tax saving investments means you get your full salary.
Let your money do the work
Savings don’t necessarily mean much if they just sit in your bank account. Hence, the timing of your investment matters as well. Making late investments means your money does not get time to grow. Ont the other hand, the earlier you make an investment, the more you earn off it.
Make the right choice
Whether out of excitement or just to meet the deadline, many people end up investing in the first option they find. However, you must consider factors like lock-in period, interest rates, risks associated and much more before you choose an option. Hence, it is better to just start looking into investment options right away.
How can you save tax?
When it comes to saving tax, getting a deduction is only half the job done. The other half is to put your savings to good use. This way you can not only save tax but also create wealth over long period of time. If are on the same train of thought, the best option for you is to get into equity-linked savings scheme. Abbreviated as ELSS, it helps you secure a tax deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Meanwhile, it allows you to make money off your savings at a high interest rate.
Usually, there is a three-year lock-in period for ELSS funds. You can redeem well-performing or all your units after that period of time. However, an ELSS is a type of mutual fund. Hence, it is better to stay invested as long as possible. Moreover, this will only help you more in terms of tax saving. The longer you stay invested, the more you can enjoy tax deductions each year. Happy investing!