5 SEO Ethics To Get Instant Traffic To Your Website
Are you among from those who are doing lot of SEO efforts and trying to get more and more traffic but not getting success in their goal, here I am going to guide you very effective methods which are highly admired by experts for link building and generating a good amount of traffic also in very short span of time. Here I will show the right path to you following them you will be able to get traffic according to your choice I mean you can decide when and from where you can get visitors so finally you can sell your products or make them subscriber also.
1 – Classified Ad Posting
It is the proven effective technique which makes us more efficient in generating targeted traffic for our websites which will surely improve the ROI of our online marketing efforts. There are so many classified websites which able to generate the type of backlink as per our choice like do follow or no follow etc. I have personally tested many of them which are giving do follow links to my website, and suddenly I saw good improvement in search ranking and direct traffic also.
This is helpful for us in giving country specific traffic also, for example, if you want to get traffic of targeted buyers to your online shopping portal then you can do ad posting in the USA classified sites list after finding on the net After a few days of doing that you will see a sudden increase in the organic rank also. The advantage of this method is no limited to the increase in traffic also, but you will see magical improvement in search engine ranking of your websites.
2 – Regular engagement on social media sites
There are many web portal owners who have a good community on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus, etc. They have a good number of friends and followers who like to do interaction with them regularly, and their friends like to share again what they have shared with them. This process gives birth to the viral promotion of the products or services which finally ends with the result of good business growth also. From last many years social media has emerged as the platform for becoming famous and giving direct knowledge to the users regarding business websites and blogs also and by using it on a regular basis we can generate huge targeted traffic easily in no time.
3 – Guest posting on niche related blogs
When you want to steal traffic of your competitor websites or blogs and want to beat others in terms of search engine ranking also then this can be the most trending method which is applying by every SEO Company and freelance bloggers also. If you can write eye-catching and more engaging content, then you can ask to your niche related fellow bloggers for submitting a guest post, or you are not able to do it then there are so many affordable SEO services providers who are able to deliver this task effectively.
It is practically tested me and other bloggers also when we do a guest post in our niche related good traffic blogs then we receive instant traffic to our websites which is not less than any magic to us.
4 – Concentrate on User Experience
Creating best user experience is the key to increase your website traffic and ultimately increase the revenues and expand the customer base. Google always encourages the website owners to concentrate on delivering the best user experience. Good user experience will take your business a long way than getting your codes right. A website with UX design with attractive templates and content in business will improve the level of customers’ satisfaction and their loyalty to the business in the long run. It will also help the online users in getting a better and enjoyable interaction experience with your product or service.
To make a user-friendly website, first you would have to determine what your target users want and need, and then you can develop an approach on how to mix SEO with your website design to attract more and more website traffic and evoke a constructive feeling and excitement from the users leading to an overall worthy experience.
5- Create a mobile optimized website
It is an inevitable fact that every day more and more people are using mobile to access the internet and browse different websites. They do most of their online work through their smartphones, whether it is online shopping, booking tickets, or any other task. As a result, it becomes important to create a mobile-friendly website so that your target users can easily access our website and you won’t have to worry about losing them to your competitors.
When it comes to SEO, a majority of the times, it’s Google who decides what you should or shouldn’t do if you want to appear in the top search results.
So when it comes to creating a mobile-optimized website, Google recommends the web developers or business owners to develop their websites as mobile friendly. It will help the website to appear in top Google mobile search results and will result in more website traffic and more business.
Author bio. :- Priya is a Technical SEO at Hopinfirst, a leading mobile app development company which provide best ios app development and Android app development Services.