Guidance For UPSC Preparation Beginners
Searching for top 10 IAS coaching centres in Chennai? UPSC is one of the toughest exams and it needs a lot of preparation to clear this toughest exam. The number of attempts for IAS exam general category is 6 and 9 for other backward class so one needs to prepare well. Guidance and Strategies are very important for clearing this exam without wasting attempts. By joining one of the top 10 IAS coaching centres in Chennai, you can receive complete assistance and guidance. Here is some guidance for the candidates who are starting their preparation for the UPSC Exam.
Start Early:
As we all know the eligibility for UPSC exam is 21 years. The qualification of the UPSC exam is a degree from any subject and also the candidates who are in their final year can also apply for the exam. The best place to start our preparation for civil service exam is the college and the probability of clearing the exam at a young age is very high because of the energy and sharpness of their young mind and age. But in actual the average age of the candidates who enter the service is around 28 which is too late. Most of the candidates neglect their early opportunity. If you have decided to pursue IAS, ensure to research top 10 IAS academy in Chennai and join the best coaching center.
Use Time Wisely:
Time is considered very important. Some candidates start their preparation parallel to their college subjects. They have lots of time constraints since they focus on two things at a time. So, if those candidates prioritize their things and do it accordingly then they can concentrate both on their academic subjects and also the UPSC exam.
To save time the beginners should first thoroughly understand the pattern and syllabus for the UPSC exam. So by avoiding unwanted topics which are not part of the syllabus they can save time. The beginners should go through the UPSC question papers of the previous year to get a clear idea about the pattern and type of questions asked. It also helps them to prepare based on the weight of each topic. This will make you start your preparation in the correct direction.
Choose the book wisely:
If your goal is to become an IAS/ IPS officer then the basic thing needed is the correct study material. Selecting the correct study material is very important to clear the civil service exam. If you are preparing on your own buy the most recommended books for your preparation. Most IAS coaching centres in Chennai provides their own study material. So be very careful in selecting the coaching centre. Some of the books suggested to start your preparation are NCERT books, Polity by Laxmikanth, Economics by Ramesh Singh and for history use a book written by Bipan Chandra.
Mock Test:
Write lots of test during the preparation for the civil service exam. Writing test always helps you to know the level of your preparation. It will motivate you to prepare and also by writing test on the topics you are lagging. So, you can concentrate on those topics to score better next time. Mock test is always an opportunity to learn better.
Read News Paper:
Always fix time in your daily routine for reading News Paper. Current affairs are very important for all the competitive exams. Read quality article from The Hindu and India Express. Try to read magazines like EPW for current perspective.
Practice Writing:
Writing speed is very important since the questions are of essay type in IAS main exam. This is a big advantage for the candidates who are just out of college. They can write fast since they are practiced to it. For more practice during college time join in essay competitions.
Have a proper sleep:
The candidates who are preparing for the competitive exam should have a sound sleep for 6 to 8 hours. Spend 8 hours for your preparation. If you can spend more time it is good but do not study for more than 12 hours.
Use Semester Break
Semester leave is the best time to cover a lot of topics. At least try completing 1 or 2 subject during the semester break.
Toppers Interview:
Read the toppers interview. It will keep you motivated. You will get a lot of tips and strategies when you read the toppers Interview.