Make Your Ex Attracted To You Again
So often when we break up with someone or our partners ask for a ‘break, some space’ and we are told to accept it, deal with it, and ultimately forget about it and them, but why? Why should you? Because you deserve to be unhappy? Or that they need to be happy and that means not being with you? I don’t think so and if we listened to what other people tell us to do all the time or what society portrays as being ‘the right way’ we would all be alone for all eternity.
But love is not designed like that, even really strong feelings towards someone can’t simply be switched off, put away, and never be thought about again. We need to find out what happened, get to the cause for the split, and see where we can make changes without compromising who we are as individuals.
It is no secret that relationships take work, from both participants, and sometimes there are compromises along the way, and when you love someone sometimes we do things we find boring but do it because they love or enjoy doing it.
Who’s to blame?
Is any one person to fault if a relationship breaks down? Doubtful. Somewhere along the line, something changed and it caused your other half to retract, from emotions, from physical intimacy, and ultimately from you. This doesn’t mean to say you essentially did anything wrong.
However, now that you are on a break and have time to think about things you can begin rebuilding yourself back up again. A break doesn’t mean it is over, and if there is some way to get ex back for good then what are you waiting for. While they gather their thoughts and emotions back at their apartment you can have your situation ready and willing to welcome them back and forgive them for their mistakes or moment of insanity (we all have them, don’t we?)
But how?
Sitting around waiting for them is not the answer, gaining your independence is, and this trait is always desirable, like the old saying goes, we always want what we can’t have.’ And when your other half realizes you don’t need them or necessarily have to have them (the initial hypnosis of early relationships having worn off) their magnetism ignites (hence the reason why break-up make-up lovemaking is such a big thing).
You do you.
Like with all stages when it comes to building yourself up to where you want to be or where you see yourself there are steps, stages, and procedures essentially that need to be followed. They say the quickest way to move on with your current feelings and state of sadness is to grieve quickly, it sounds harsh, but the longer you dwell on the fact and the longer you take to realize what and why it has happened, the easier the next parts become. Some quick tips here can help you get the ball rolling in a matter of speaking and help you take those initial steps if your feet feel like lead weights every time you think about.
One step and one day at a time are all it takes and before you know it a month will have gone by, you don’t even realize you haven’t thought about the other in a few days, and because you have been so focused on yourself you have rediscovered lost interests and hobbies that bring you joy. But that doesn’t mean that they haven’t noticed.
You most likely run in the same circles, go to the same places, and whether you see each other or not or hide when they walk in the door and slip out the side entrance, both partners will have noticed the change. You have turned your life around when people thought you would be holed up in your apartment for the rest of the year, and they have become wide-eyed at the realization of what a mistake they have made losing such a great person. Win-win.
As an individual, you have grown leaps and bounds over the past few months and while life feels fantastic and things are going well, there is that niggling feeling of sadness about not having someone to share it with.
Now that you have both had some time to cool off or gather your thoughts is it so wrong to want to take another look at where you stand, as a couple? As you turn these thoughts over and over in your mind your phone beeps, it’s them. Your heart is pounding. How did they know you were thinking about them, I’ll tell you how, they have been wanting to make contact for a while now but you hadn’t noticed because you took care of yourself first?And they couldn’t take their eyes off of you. You have become their unattainable desire, and rightfully so.
But click here before you jump in with both feet, be sure it is what you want, that they don’t just want you because they don’t want anyone else to be with you. It is the best feeling in the world to be wanted, but make sure it is for the right reasons. You have shown them life is just as good if not better without them, but it can be amazing together, to have it to share with the one you love and care for.
Communication is key in relationships, make your voice heard.